Technology Addiction | Teen Ink

Technology Addiction

January 19, 2016
By Anonymous

It’s one thing to use technology as a tool but another thing to let it control you.  Technology now days is making more and more people become addicted every day. Don’t get me wrong technology can be great, sometimes but the effects it has on us isn't so great. For those of us who rely/use technology all day, everyday should learn how to reduce our time and have some self control because of the effects they have on us such as , it causes addiction, laziness, becoming less sociable, distracted...etc the list could go on.

The first reason why we need to reduce our time spent on technology is technology has an impact on our health, it makes us become more and more lazy each day. Most kids nowadays don’t want to play outside or even do anything that involves being active. A website I have found stated that  “This is also true for children, they are becoming more and more focused on things like the internet and videogames that they are spending much less time outside and being active.”("7 Biggest Pros and Cons of Technology." )  The internet and videogames is one of the main reason’s that everyone, not only kids but everyone have become more lazy.  Instead of going outside or just doing something active people just sit there using technology and by doing  so, it affects people's health,  they can become obese or may even adapt spine issues, blemishes, cause muscle tension or irritate current conditions like tendonitis, strain the eyes and even be the cause of headaches. We need to reduce our time before it really impacts our health.

Another way we can tell that technology is affecting people and showing us that we need to reduce our time is, instead of saying what you really think or how you really feel we tend to hide behind the technology, it makes them become less sociable in their real life. The time spent on technology,  is the reason for  people becoming less sociable. According to the “Real Clear Technology” web site they agree technology is affecting people by stating “The problem, they say, is that we spend so much time maintaining superficial connections online that we aren’t dedicating enough time or effort to cultivating deeper real-life relationships.”( "Is Technology Making People Less Sociable?”) Instead of trying to have real-life relationships with the people around us we tend to keep to ourselves and only communicate behind a screen. We are so caught up with online relationships it affects us by making us become less sociable with our real-life relationships. Learn how to reduce your time on technology before it ruins your relationships with the important people around you in your life.

Third reason we need to reduce our time spent on technology is, almost everybody does everything online because technology is the thing everybody is addictive to, hackers are able to get all our information. All the information we put in the computer or phone, whatever it may be hackers are able to get it. If you read Occupy Theory’s webpage about the list of cons and pros of technology hackers are under “THE MOST IMPORTANT CONS OF TECHNOLOGY” it says  “systems may also be vulnerable to attacks from within and outside the company; hackers and competitors can steal or corrupt data and cause enormous harm to a company’s finances, research, or reputation.” ("List of Pros and Cons of Technology.") All the information we put into our devices hackers are able to get in and get all our information we put into that technology. If we weren't so addicted to our devices they wouldn´t have all our information they have about us now. If we are not careful and reduce our time it can affect our personal lives whether it be our finances or just any of our personal information. 

The last point why we NEED to reduce our time,  technology can prevent us from giving our full attention to something we are suppose to be paying attention to, it is a main distraction of today's generation. We get easily distracted by the devices around us whether it be our phone, Ipod, Ipad,tablet or computer we constantly want to know what’s going on instagram, facebook, tumblr, snapchat, twitter.. etc.  Occupy theory tells us that “Students are easily distracted by social media in the classroom; using Twitter or Facebook for non-educational purposes in the classroom can disrupt learning and focus on classroom content.” ("List of Pros and Cons of Technology.") As you just read it, it even affects lots of students learning and focus in the classroom. Don’t let it distract you from what’s really happening, put down the phone, give your full attention to what’s going on around you instead of what “so and so” is posting on social media.

Note to remember, those of us who rely/use technology all day, everyday should learn how to reduce our time and have some self control.  Because technology has an impact on our health, it makes us become more and more lazy each day.  Also Instead of saying what you really think or how you really feel we tend to hide behind the technology, it makes us become less sociable in our real life. And almost everybody that has some type of device, hackers are able to get all your information. My last point is it can prevent us from giving our full attention to something we are suppose to be paying attention to, it is a main distraction of today's generation. Remember it’s one thing to use technology as tool but another thing to let it  control you. So I challenge you, put down the technology, don’t miss out on what is happening in your life.

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