Normal | Teen Ink


January 26, 2016
By T.Storey BRONZE, Austin, Texas
T.Storey BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To be honest, I don’t know anything about Immigration. All I know is what I have heard, which is definitely not the truth. Just like Columbus when he met the Native Americans, he called them “Indians” which is completely different from what they actually are. He didn’t know anything about the Native Americans, so I guess it was just cool to everyone else to call groups of people  inaccurate names. Without any research, I began to question this social justice issue, and I’m still trying to figure out what it is. I know Immigration has to deal with people escaping or leaving their country. But that’s not enough information. I need to know what the real problem is.

Teen Ink is a great way to search for personal experiences and life lessons. This one piece stood out to me in a genuine way because the author explained her point of view of the situation she has to go through while being see in America. In her piece “My Friends,” she explained where she came from and explains how much she loves her friends and family. Being around Arabian people, she knew that her heart belongs to her culture and nothing can prove that wrong. When she came to America, people started to assume and question where she came from and even asked her questions that would have nothing to do with where she actually came from. It’s natural for us to judge and assume when we don’t know what’s going on, but it’s unfair to the ones we’re talking about.

From my research, I found out that Immigration in reality is not what I thought it was in the first place. Some immigrants are different than the others. A fact I found online (The Facts on Immigration Today) stated “Less than one in five immigrants live in poverty, and they are no more likely to use social services than the native-born Americans.”. What most people, including myself think is that immigrants are poor people. I never knew until I found the truth. Immigration is simply going to another country and living there. The only difference is the one individual who is moving. Everyone’s different, just like their situation in life.

We shouldn’t  judge someone by what they look like or where they came from unless we already know what’s going on. I admit, I am guilty of telling people about something I don’t even know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find out the truth later on.

The author's comments:

This piece was originally just a social justice project from my English class, but I my piece was just an example of how social status and past situations can stick onto us forever.

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