Say No to Over Control | Teen Ink

Say No to Over Control

March 3, 2016
By Anonymous

With discussion of increasing gun control on the rise, it’s important to understand that if stronger gun laws are enforced, part of American freedom will be lost. On top of the loss of freedom, gun control cannot ensure the safety of anyone. Taking away the constitutional right to bare arms isn’t going to offer protection, instead it will create weakened and venerable societies. When private gun owners legally carry, crime rates decline and self-defense is more secure. Gun control is an ineffective way to deter crime because most of the devastation involving guns is a result of misuse, criminals aren’t going to follow gun laws, and people deserve the right of self-defense.

In most cases, if a devastating situation involves gun use, the gun was either being intentionally misused, or handled improperly. Guns don’t cause devastation, certain people’s misuse of them does. As argued in the article Gun Control Pros and Cons, “Assault weapons,” or those certain semi-automatic guns designated in the ban, “have never been used in more than a small percentage of firearm-related violent crime.” (Ridder). So, stricter gun laws would not be an effective way to decrease crime. Devastation only occurs when guns are used improperly. “Millions of law-abiding citizens keep guns for hunting and sport shooting. They, not criminals, would be forced by gun control laws to change their lifestyles” (Conservatives United). Banning the ownerships of firearms would only deny good people their rights. Also, who’s to say that those very people, who do misuse guns with criminal intent, will even follow these new laws? 

If someone has criminal intentions, odds are they aren’t going to follow legal procedures. While the laws would make it harder for them, “those that they cannot buy, they will steal or borrow” (Wilson). It would be impossible to completely stop all ways of accessing guns. Gun control would make obtaining a firearm harder, but it won’t end future devastation. As stated in 7 Reasons Liberals Are Wrong on Gun Control, "Most mass shootings are perpetrated by mentally disturbed individuals who have never previously been identified as dangerous." (Conservative United). How are stricter gun laws going to stop people who can’t even be identified as dangerous? They can’t. New gun control laws not only provide people with little to no guarantees of an increase in safety, they also make it near impossible for people to carry for self-defense.

Self-defense is a human right, and there is no reason why law abiding citizens should be denied that right. Though it may not be the most common occurrence, the need for self-defense is very real. “Somewhere between 100,000 and more than 2 million cases of self-defense occur every year” (Wilson). People need to be able to protect themselves. Gun control denies people there right’s to self-defense. As stated by the NRA, “the right to bear arms for self-defense is protected in all states as well as the U.S. Constitution” (Ridder). Denying people their right to carry is in complete opposition of the U.S. Constitution.

There are many reasons why stronger gun laws would be ineffective and unjust. The legal use of guns, by private gun owners, cannot be blamed for devastation and crime. It is an American right to legally own firearms. Even if new gun laws were to be passed, they would not be able to keep guns out of criminal hands. It would be impossible to monitor every firearm across the country. Private gun owners deserve their freedom, and they deserve their right to self-defense. Gun laws take away American’s right to legally bare-arms for self-defense. Gun control is not the key to a safer America, gun control is the loss of freedom.

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