How to Draw | Teen Ink

How to Draw

June 1, 2016
By Mellon2002 BRONZE, Fair Oaks, California
Mellon2002 BRONZE, Fair Oaks, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drawing is a creative, fun, and artistic way to express yourself. Although drawing is amazing and fun to look at, it also takes A LOT of time and effort. So just prepare yourself for a raff of practice and frustration that could lead to protection. There are many different types of techniques, styles, and ways to draw. Such as pointillism, shading, perspective, and different types of pencil coloring from light to dark leads.

All of these are either styles or important things to know and have to learn for achieving your goal to become a remarkable artist. One thing you must know is that your essence, patience, and practice are important and a huge part. You also have to want and enjoy it, otherwise you will never capture your own signatures and unique styles of drawing. Sometimes it helps to look up pictures of steps on easy and basic subjects.


After doing that and copying many different things you should start to pick up and get the hang of it. Eventually you will end up drawing all on your own and by then practice and patience is key. No artist In this world is not patient, at least not in art. Never rush. “Practice makes perfect,” truly. Practice and patience will line up with each other and become gradual time making you better and better.

Free hand is really amazing, especially when it can look real and it’s all from your head. “Everything you can imagine is real,” a quote from Pablo Picasso the incredibly famous painter. Meaning that you don’t even have to copy if you make something up in your head and it flows out on paper,  that is when the true art begins.


Never give up. Today your great, one day you will be extraordinary. May be tomorrow, may be in 10 years. Time, effort, and talent from the heart depend on that. I know that I have been drawing ever since I was a child and that practicing when I can,   makes me better and better by the minute and it will for you as well. The only way you can go is up. The question is how far are you willing to go?

The author's comments:

This piece goes to all those beginners out there wanted to understand more about there hobbies and wanting to get better. Good luck to you.

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