How Much Freedom Should Parents Give Children? | Teen Ink

How Much Freedom Should Parents Give Children?

December 12, 2017
By Rayan.Aittaleb BRONZE, Mason , Ohio
Rayan.Aittaleb BRONZE, Mason , Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All your friends are going to this place and you want to tag along. You consider asking your parents but are skeptical because they might say no. Or maybe you could and lie, say you’re going somewhere else, but run the risk of getting caught. You decide to go with the more trusting option and ask your parents.


“It doesn’t sound safe.”
“We aren’t going to do anything too crazy, and you never let me do anything with my friends.”
“Because I want you to stay safe.”

This classic argument between teens and parents. An argument over freedoms. Teens like to think they have more rights and freedoms than they actually have, and parents like to think that teens have fewer rights then they have. It’s a misunderstanding that causes many arguments. However, if we can understand these misunderstandings then freedoms can be easily identified and compromises can be made for teens to be happier.

Freedom is a necessity because teen needs a way to let stress go. If they are always in a stressed environment it will affect them. Letting them do things that they enjoy and not interfering with too much of their free time will give them opportunities to express themselves.  One the greatest ways to let stress go away is by doing something you love and like to do but if teens are not given those moments they will start to be more stressed and tense. Sometimes having lots of restrictions may backfire and the teen may rebel. It has been reported that some teen says that if their freedom has been restricted so much that they start to sneak out and do disobey their parents so they can keep up to date in their social life. One teen even says “When they ground you for so long, it’s social suicide, and of course you sneak out,” which is something you would never want to happen.
People need to gain experiences and many of them are made in our childhood. If you are shielded all your life and are not able to get out to do things, you will miss out on a lot of chances to learn who you are. Parents should let their children be able to do these things. Keeping them safe is one thing, but jailing them to the point where they can’t have experienced is too far. Some teens need to have these moments if they want to have knowledge about the real world. Even if those experiences aren’t the best they need them to make them who they are. How someone reacts to these moments is what will push them forward to find themselves.

Giving freedom is important but make sure there is always a certain level where things stop. Knowing when things are going to far and when they need to stop is important for the teens. If this is not implemented then the teen may go too far and do things that will get them in serious trouble, and could be dangerous. It always depends on the level of trust with the teen and what you think they can handle. However, you have to put a certain amount of faith into your child. You have to let them be able to do things that make them happy. Even if they do get into a little trouble once in a while, that isn’t too serious, it is ok. This helps them learn lessons for their future. Just remember when to pull them out and help them if they fall too deep.

Freedom is a right that should not be impeded. No matter who it is for, everyone deserves a certain amount of freedom. People that have no freedoms are not able to be themselves. They have no way to let the stress out of a long day.The best way to gain more knowledge of the world around you is not through a textbook, not through a screen, but by being there, and experiencing things. What if we put a little trust in our youth and that we have raised them to be the best versions of themselves.

The author's comments:

Listen to your parents

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