The Cycle of Hatred | Teen Ink

The Cycle of Hatred

December 18, 2017
By Anonymous

Everything in life can be seen as a cycle. There are cycles of love, cycles of hate, good cycles, and bad cycles. However, there is one cycle that is most detrimental to the human race. The cycle of hatred which is spread from feelings of grief, envy, pain, and many other negative emotions. Even in circumstances where an individual does something that can be seen as justified can lead to the reiteration of this vicious cycle. A man could protect a woman from a thief. this same thief is incarcerated and his starving underprivileged children are left without an active father. They grow up without learning basic disciplines and ultimately find themselves in a similar position as their father. Or a man kills another man for his gang then, in turn, the dead man's brother kills him, but then the original killer’s son kills the newest murderer. The cycle continues, stemming from the carnal desires of wanting to protect, and wanting to avenge.

With this cycle in power, people can never change or evolve. Humans are ultimately stuck in the same position, running in place. It is true insanity, how we continue doing the same things over and over, and have yet to realize that we are not making any progress whatsoever.

However, grave though our situation may be, there is hope. peace can be acquired when people learn to understand each other. not just sympathizing for one another but showing true empathy towards one's brother. As humans, our strongest, greatest qualities shine brightest when we are working together as a whole. There is no stronger force than the force of compassion, apathy, and teamwork. This is the most foolproof way to destroy the depraved cycle of hatred and continue on a path that will lead to a greater society.

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