How to Program the Best Teacher? | Teen Ink

How to Program the Best Teacher?

March 5, 2018
By aish_mahesh BRONZE, San Diego, California
aish_mahesh BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Engebrits is an AP Computer Science teacher at Mt. Carmel High School in San Diego, California. Upon entering his class, his passion for computer science is evident, and he infuses this passion into his students. He teaches his class through a series of lectures and hands-on coding labs that allow students to visualize the numerous applications of their newly acquired knowledge. Also, when a student is faced with a difficult problem, instead of revealing the solution immediately, Mr.Engebrits prompts the student to think outside the box. He develops essential problem-solving skills that can be useful in his students’ futures. For example, when I was coding a Caesar shift cipher, I could not figure out how to write code to decrypt messages. I asked Mr. Engebrits for help and he made me take a step back and look at my problem from a different angle. that could  He creates a positive learning environment that allows each and every student to thrive. Mr. Engebrits also puts in extra time and effort by helping students outside of regular class hours. He provides lots guidance and support for his students in order to see them prosper and achieve their goals. In addition, he helps promote student involvement in Mt.Carmel by advising clubs such as Computer Science Club and Coding the Future. Most importantly, Mr. Engebrits makes the overall learning experience enjoyable and fun. He is able to keep his students engaged and always increases their curiosity. All in all, Mr. Engebrits has made a huge difference and impact in the lives of his students.

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