Fantasy Football | Teen Ink

Fantasy Football

October 25, 2018
By Anonymous

This is the first year that I am playing Fantasy Football for money and it makes the whole game much more competitive. Previously, I only did it for fun and halfway through the football season I just stopped paying attention, but now I am on top of my team, trying to improve it and make it the best team in the league. The winning team gets $120 so everyone else is trying their best as well. This is why I have to be able to stack my team up with great competitors with great stats. While my kicker, Jake Elliott, can barely rack up a point for my team, I make it up with my Chicago defense, Alvin Kamara, Jordy Nelson, Aaron Rodgers, and Keenan Allen.

Week 1 was a nervous week for me and for anyone else who had Aaron Rodgers as their starting quarterback. Aaron Rodgers was getting knocked around at the beginning of the game, and when he was hurt in a certain way the fans all knew something happened. When he was taken off in a cart in the first half I was certain that my season was over. Khalil Mack on the Bears defense was going off on the Packers and eventually hurt Aaron Rodgers. It was devastating until Aaron Rodgers came back at halftime and proved he was one of the best quarterback that have ever played. He made a 20-0 deficit into a 24-23 win on one leg against the Bears. Since then he has been racking up points along with Drew Brees and Matt Ryan, who are on other teams. Although Matt Ryan has been proving himself to be the most valuable quarterback in Fantasy Football right now and Drew Brees right up with him, I don’t need them because of Alvin Kamara who got more than 40 fantasy points week 1. Since then the lowest amount of Fantasy points I have gotten with him is around 25.

Keenan Allen plays on the LA Chargers and even though he isn’t the best receiver in the league, he has great ability. Week 1 and Week 2 Keenan Allen had outstanding games, but last week he hurt his knee and was pulled onto the sideline. He did so well for me for the first two weeks and I hope he can recover soon so I can play him again. When I watch the games on Sunday I wish I could just get out there and encourage my players, help them by telling them what that need to improve on and encourage them when they think it is all lost.

The author's comments:

It is about my Fantasy Football league and how I am keeping up with it as well as what is making my team strive.

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