Why American should focus more on soccer | Teen Ink

Why American should focus more on soccer

January 9, 2020
By Anonymous

The United States has a lot of sports that are popular in the world, but not every country plays them, like football and basketball. This is so important for Americans because it’s related to their culture. Even though soccer is not really as important for the United States, I am going to convince you to focus more on soccer.

Americans should focus more on soccer because soccer is the most popular sport in the world, American football and basketball are popular, but not as popular as soccer. They are just popular in America. Why soccer is the best sport in the world according to “Kids Pro Soccer”: “Soccer is the most popular sport in the world in terms of player numbers, 2006 FIFA Big Count, there were 265 million soccer players in the world, 270 million when referees and match officials were included.”

America men’s soccer team did not qualify for the last world cup. The World Cup is an international association football competition. World Cup is played once every four years and is the most important competition in soccer for the country and the player. When American men’s soccer team cannot qualify the world cup, American women's soccer team won the 2018 World Cup. American men’s soccer needs to focus more on soccer. It’s embarrassing when women won the champion, and men can’t even qualify for the World Cup. They need to improve a lot and more focus on soccer.

In the United States, the most popular league is Major League Soccer (MLS) but MLS is not as popular as other soccer leagues in Europe. The good players don’t want to join MLS unless they paid them a lot of money, and MLS doesn’t have a good player that can compete with each other like the English league. They have so many good players that can compete with each other and the club.

A lot of people will disagree with me on this because I tell them to focus more on soccer which is they don’t really like soccer but they need to focus more on soccer because the United States is the number country in the world so they need to become number one in soccer.

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