Figure Skating vs. Hockey | Teen Ink

Figure Skating vs. Hockey

April 22, 2016
By Anonymous

"Both have the same level of challenge" (nhl). Many skaters argue over which sport on the ice is harder. Since I've started skating I have realized that people tend to stereotype figure skaters as having the "easy" sport. Many people don't understand how challenging it really is.

First off, let's talk about the toepicks on figure skates. They are dangerous if you aren't careful. I have plenty of experience with my toepick and the ice colliding. You might think that it's just the same as falling but if you think about it, it's not. Let's say you are skating fast and are about to do a jump. When you go to put the toe on the ice, you lose your balance, trip etc. you fall forward and risk the chance of getting a serious injury by going into the boards, chipping a tooth or much worse.

Another reason figure skating is harder than hockey is, figure skaters have a greater risk  of getting an injury. " one partner gets thrown into the air and has to land side-by side, spinning and if they aren't far enough apart, tragedy can strike" (lastwordonsports). The partners have to time it perfectly so they don't collide. The girl also has to worry about her partner holding onto her when he raises her into the air or holds her at any point in the performance.

Finally, landing. Landing a jump is one of the most difficult things to do. When a skater lands its can be "5 to eight times his/her body weight" which happens in about "50-125 milliseconds" (lastwordonsports). This doesn't give the body very much time to prepare the "magnitude of force" that happens when they land.


Hockey players try to argue saying their sport is way more challenging and more dangerous/violent. "Though both have the similarities, they are both challenging".(nhl) I personally don't believe this because figure skaters not only risk injury or their toepick trying to possibly kill them at practice, figure skaters also have to get points from judges. They have to do a perfect program, get a dress that costs $500+, new skates at least every two years because the get so worn out from practice. Hockey players can wear pads and protect themselves from injury (a little). They also have breaks. Team members switch out so others can rest. Where as figure skaters must continue no matter how tired they are.


Skaters still may argue over which sport on the ice is harder. Hockey players will still stereotype figure skaters like they have done for years, but that's their opinion. I will still always believe that figure skating is much more challenging. It requires much more skill and grace. People who aren’t figure skaters will never understand how challenging it really is.

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This article has 2 comments.

Iluvpandas said...
on Jul. 13 at 1:47 pm
Iluvpandas, Upper Arlington, Ohio
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Favorite Quote:
“Be brave, even if you aren’t, pretend you are, no one can tell the difference.”
— Anonymous

Figure skating is way harder than hockey players realize.

froggy_al said...
on Sep. 16 2018 at 10:48 pm
froggy_al, San Diego, California
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
YES. yeessssssss