Love Birds | Teen Ink

Love Birds

December 31, 2011
By Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments

Shelby and Noah (:

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This photo has 15 comments.

on Feb. 14 2012 at 12:29 am
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Thank you! I'm sure your pictures are great!

on Feb. 12 2012 at 6:39 pm
JustAnotherOwl SILVER, Unknown, New York
6 articles 0 photos 378 comments

Favorite Quote:
"See, we don't really care who you are;
Everyone is capable of looking up and wishing on a star.
So catch it, so contagious, this day-dreamer's disease,
And hope can be your sword, slaying darkness with belief."

"Sanctuary"- Paradise Fears

This is such a great photo! (: Oh, I wish I could take pictures like this.

on Jan. 17 2012 at 5:22 pm
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Well, thank you (:

on Jan. 17 2012 at 5:22 pm
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Thank you! I'm loving the ideas! I'm doing a shoot with them again in the spring and plan to incorporate everyone's ideas!

on Jan. 17 2012 at 4:44 am
thatclairechick, Sydney, Other
0 articles 5 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you , but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit itself in your lap" - Henry David Thoreau

this is adorable, i'm not sure what i love more, the concept or what they are wearing :) but it's a truly beautiful photo

on Jan. 12 2012 at 11:54 pm
RRRRR BRONZE, Orrville, Ohio
1 article 1 photo 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is when you don't."- Pete Seeger

"I didn't quit because I wasn't strong enough to live through it, i stopped because i was strong enough to move on." -Unknown

I really think this has some great potential! It could honestly be put as a series, sort of. Different pictures of them not only separated by air, but by walls, land obstacles, other people, etc. It could be really cool. Although in this picture I really enjoy their outfits and scenery- they seem rather contradictory. Keep it up! like your work!

on Jan. 12 2012 at 12:32 am
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Thanks! I'm loving the feedback. I'll give it a shot (:

CariHannah said...
on Jan. 10 2012 at 2:23 am
you don't have to do just bf and gf, what about sisters,brother, mother daughters etc. i really like this photo i'd love to see more!

on Jan. 9 2012 at 2:39 pm
marissadele PLATINUM, Danbury, Connecticut
20 articles 3 photos 388 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you know how you feel, and so clearly what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now." -Taylor Swift

o.o yay! :D

on Jan. 8 2012 at 3:56 pm
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Thank you!

on Jan. 8 2012 at 3:55 pm
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
Awh, thank you so much! (: They were such good models. I never once told them what to do, they were so good naturally. I was pleased with the shoot. I might put up more pictures soon (:

on Jan. 8 2012 at 3:54 pm
Andrea Morris GOLD, Waynesboro, Virginia
11 articles 137 photos 94 comments
That's a really really good idea. I think I will try that. If I can actually find enough people in relationships lol

on Jan. 8 2012 at 2:05 pm
CariHannah BRONZE, Swansea, Other
1 article 15 photos 3 comments
I thought the same as Jane at first glance! you should create a series of different people who have different relationships reaching to each other.......

on Jan. 5 2012 at 4:16 pm
marissadele PLATINUM, Danbury, Connecticut
20 articles 3 photos 388 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you know how you feel, and so clearly what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now." -Taylor Swift

I love this photo! It's kind of like an illusion; at first glance, i thought it was water behind them, and a boardwalk in front of them...but then i realized it's a parking anyway, every bit of the picture looks SO cool, from the setting, to their outfits, to how their reaching for each other, how they're standing on the cement the road thing between them gets like smaller and smaller as it gets further away....seriously, this photo should get in the magazine.

on Jan. 4 2012 at 9:23 pm
sasukra33 BRONZE, Bay Shore, New York
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about how many breaths you take, but how many moments took your breath away..." Unknown

Verrry cute