The Drums Beat On | Teen Ink

The Drums Beat On

April 10, 2009
By Seattle_Sleepless SILVER, River Ridge, Louisiana
Seattle_Sleepless SILVER, River Ridge, Louisiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t judge me until you know me; you might like me better.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;No boy is worth crying over, and the one that is won&#039;t make you cry&quot; -Mom (she got it somewhere-doesn&#039;t remember)

We travel and we roam
To places so far from home
We can't see the same sky

And When you've gone and done
The reason that you've come
You have seen too many of us in pain cry

In prisons bleak and dreary
With learns that make us weary
They take hold and say we must keep try

But they cannot crush our spirit
And although they cannot hear it
We dance under same starry sky
As the drums beat on

The author's comments:
This was originally written in World History class, during an asignment on Imperialism. This focuses on the people of Africa as Europe and other nations raced to get part of this continent. It's a small look into how the people might have felt then.

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