Love is dead | Teen Ink

Love is dead

January 10, 2019
By NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was my North, my South, my East and West.

My working week and my Sunday rest.

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.

I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

Stop All The Clocks WH Auden


He was my North, my South, my East and West.

My working week and my Sunday rest.

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.

I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

My time was stopped by him,

And my love has died

With him

He left me for a new midnight

A new song

Sung by a new forever

I lay here like an old toy

Worn and sad

Remembering when I was his favorite

But I am no longer the favorite

For my love is dead

My broken heart can no longer be fixed

Its shattered pieces

Have flown too far

To be retrieved

My tears and sorrowful words hit the ground

As fast as my crippled body does

Then I see you

I new type of song

A song not pleasant alone

For your voice has been broken by your forever

Just like my dead love

You took my broken heart and sewed it together

You treat me not as an old toy but your most precious thing

Which I am not

A precious thing

And you are not my North

Or my south

Or my noon

But I will sit with you at midnight

And hold your hand

I will be your harmony

To make your broken voice sound

Like the song of the most beautiful mockingbird

You will not be my talk

For we shall talk together

We will share our precious time

And rest together

On Sunday

My love died once

But now it lives

Beating like my sewn heart

And sings like our song

The author's comments:

I wanted to communitcate that love is not a "perfect person" and they don't need to be your "everything"

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