The Meaning of My Name | Teen Ink

The Meaning of My Name

October 1, 2020
By Cameron27 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cameron27 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cameron means bent or crooked. Like a broken river. Or a maze. Always finding something new about it. Trying to find the big picture. Falling short. Always leading to another apparent end. Oblivious to the discoveries on the other side.

 People know what a maze is, yet each maze is different. Like Cameron, mazes are unique. No one maze is ever the same. What would be the fun in that? 

 Soft like the color blue., mysterious. Strange and Unique compared to others. Hard to discover what it truly means. Like a dark blue sky. Never knowing if it will rain or if the sun will peak through

My name comes from my great grandfather’s. l. I never met him. I assumed he was shy and kind, much like my name. But I have taken over the name Cameron. Handling it the only way I see fit. Making it true to me. After all, it is my name and my name only. Giving me the power to be who I am. Like a child. Flipping over a stone to find the new creatures below. 

My grandfather was a loner. I too like to be left alone. Sometimes. Loneliness can be a disaster and a blessing. It can lead to misinterpretation. Misunderstanding. Of who I truly am on the inside. Like a river. Seeing the harsh currents. Not knowing that below the surface is calm and comforting. 

Calmness adds to comfort. Making my name appear calm can add to the comfort of my personality. Taking away from the lonely meaning of my name. Adding a new spin to the tradition. Like a never ending maze. 

A maze. Something you do with others. Hard to accomplish alone. Difficult. Many rush through, but those who take the time to understand. Those are the ones who find the true meaning. Those are the ones who truly understand why. Not to be lonely. To be brought closer to others

The author's comments:

It is a mimicry style writing piece from The House on Mango Street called "My Name" by Sandra Cisneros. 

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