Please Just Have a Laugh With Me | Teen Ink

Please Just Have a Laugh With Me

May 24, 2021
By gabek BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
gabek BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't smile because it's over, smile because it happened."

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When the TV show has just gotten cheesy and the only sound is us.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When the sky is green and the grass is blue.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When the class bell has rung and Mr. Pulido won’t shut up.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When I see you with all this anticipation.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When there is an attempt.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

With your cute, curved smile.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When I try to do the same back.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

My language isn’t exactly couth.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When the assignments don’t stop talking.

“Please just have a laugh with me”

When the equation isn’t solved.

I wish you could laugh with me

For I am too scared to laugh when I am around you. Poor attempts. Mountainous eagerness. Flowing thoughts that don’t make their way to the air. 

I wish I could laugh with you. 

Please just have a laugh with me

The author's comments:

Yo, what's up? The prompt wants me to write about myself so here we go. By the way, hello. My name is Gabriel and I am currently a sophomore going into my junior year. I'm not in any special advanced classes or anything like that. My English teacher said my writing work was good, so she recommended I sign up for this website. I think poems are kinda funny, y'know? You can literally write down BS words and some people will find meaning out of it. If you want to interpret my work like that, then go right ahead. I ain't stopping you. Anyways, this piece is kinda about someone, but it can be universal. I wrote in means of being too nervous to talk to the person you're interested in. The overall upsetting feeling of working up the courage to go talk to them.

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