Helpfulness | Teen Ink


October 15, 2021
By bella_r04 BRONZE, Land O' Lakes, Florida
bella_r04 BRONZE, Land O' Lakes, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

  Helpfulness lives near a gas station, not any gas station, but his gas station. He loves to help the soon to be moms and even the old and weary to give their cars that will last the week. He lives under an exotic bridge where he can sleep and watch the cars go by day and night. His shaggy black hair needing to be washed, but no matter how much he wanted to take a shower or eat a plate of food, he would always help the young teenage girl living right next to him. Her name was Kindness, and they always did everything together. From picking up trash to singing together with their raspy voices. Helpfulness was always ready to help any visitor that would come his way.

   Even though he didn’t like Selfishness, whenever she would drive by, with loud music blasting, Helpfulness would still help her whenever she asked for directions. Helpfulness has a famous saying, “treat other the same way you would like to be treated!” Whenever someone would drive by, he would either yell it or even make a large poster about it. Helpfulness was able to sit with anyone and they would feel such tranquility that they knew they were able to take in any advice he had for them. Helpfulness was like a father to Kindness, he would help her, take care of her, and even spend quality time with her. Helpfulness may look unimportant, but we all know that we need more people like him.

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