running | Teen Ink


June 23, 2024
By strawberrykitties BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
strawberrykitties BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Torment piercing left and right

Forests swaying with fierce might

Don't fear dear, I will stay strong

Candles flicker- and they fight.


Darkness wails, its perils blue

I am helpless- I must see this through.

Wolves howl and hyenas creep

Amongst the stealth of blackness deep

Their razor-teeth smile when they hear me weep

As they muse about their killing leap.


Run I must, far, far away

Don't panic, it will be okay

Chase all the aches and pain astray

They can't hurt me if I refuse to stay

I must escape, I will find a way.


But at once it hits me- far too late

All that awaits of my uncertain fate

This maze has trapped me in its embrace


i am running around in circles.

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