Dream #1 | Teen Ink

Dream #1 MAG

By Anonymous

   Blood, sweat, and curses fill the air

My heart cries out to deaf hope

Running, but the war continues

I close my eyes

Crisp, clean leaves flutter in the breeze

Spain's arboreal labyrinth conceals long-forgotten ethereal treasures

Tropically endangered jewels thrive in seclusion

Red drops of the cherubim's tears form beads on the roses

Yellow roses as big as watermelons twist upward

Through the maze of green

A mighty, gold-skinned rhinoceros pauses

To comfort the squeals of the tiger cubs

Hamlet's poetic melody of life undisturbed rains down from the sky

Curled up as a ball in the meadow of violets,

The drops fall gently upon my bare feet

Rain turns colors to gumdrops

Rising in a shower of fireworks to the sun

I'm never, never, never going home again.

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