Interrogation | Teen Ink

Interrogation MAG

By Anonymous

   I sit against the jagged cement wall

The gray smoke swirls around my head

Dripping from the white hot light

"We've checked your alibi and it doesn't hold up.

Where were you that night?"

Even though I'm blinded by the beam I know

All eyes are on me

They're searching for a weakness to hit

They want me to crumble

"I told you, I don't remember. I took some pills and passed out.

I ... I think I was at home all night."

A chuckle came through the wall of light

I look down in avoidance

Fighting the urge to wipe the beaded sweat from my face

My eyes dart left, right then back left

A way out

My heart shifts into overdrive

I clench my fists

Leaping from my seat I charge directly into the light

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