Untitled | Teen Ink

Untitled MAG

By Anonymous


Face the world kid, don't just sit there.

and sail away, staircases made of shimmering gold, glisten

Are you listening to me?

Listening to the music of the fairies, dancing, dreaming

Good. Your teachers tell me you haven't

flown away, on a cloud of magic to where the snowflakes dance

been paying attention in class. Now, what kind of

pink fairy do you see? Puff, like a raspberry smelling reflection

attitude is that? You've got to get both

eyes looking out upon the stars, past the m&ms which don't melt

feet on the ground. You've got to stop

walking and start soaring, with the worlds of heaven

daydreaming, and start

young thoughts walking upon the path of wishes

doing things. The world

is full of wonders which are across the simmering sea

is there for the taking. But you

are a walker through the sands of eternity, a watcher of pretty nothings

have to be strong. Take your

dreams and fly away from the yellow brick road and into the enchanted forest

life and do something with it. Take control

Control of reality, fantasy, illusion,


Good. I'm glad we've had this little talk.

Me too.

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on Feb. 17 2013 at 8:14 pm
vaidaspade10 BRONZE, Davenport, Washington
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Favorite Quote:
"No matter what they say behind your back, they're at a loss because you've locked the knife drawer. Forgiving them now will just leave your back sore." -Qiana Casch

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