The Day The Earth Almost Stood Still | Teen Ink

The Day The Earth Almost Stood Still MAG

By Anonymous

   Darkness enveloped all, engulfing life left and right.

Trees and shrubs frowned under the thick heavy air,

leaves rolled and cascaded down the trunks

of trees too weak to smile.

Not a sound could be heard

not even to the sharp-eared feathered beasts

who lay under the shelter of the fallen souls of oak and maple,

useless wings inkly clamped to their sides

corroding to dust within the miniscule framework

who bore no life to speak of.

Dull clouds choked the sky everywhere

forcing the power to inhabit another galaxy

finding no home in the heart

of the woods belonging to me.

In short, the world was dead

the end approaching and gaining speed.

no hope in sight

no skies of blue

the sun black,not white

But then, I met you.

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