Safety pin me | Teen Ink

Safety pin me

October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

He looks deep into my eyes
While he sews and tears me up
Garlic acid tears
Feed my hungry lips
Please safety pin me

He knows not of Want,
Though traditional he may be
I wonder
Does he fade from minds
Or forever embedded
You are my silent cross
Though I bear you so willingly
Please safety pin me.

Did he see this empty wasteland
And did I come to mind?
Because I see
The barren snow plains
And they remind me of his touch
The one that rips me into shreds
Please safety pin me.

The others did not want me
Threw me away like trash
So I fell, unbidden
Into these snowy winter lands
And ice will freeze my remains.

Please safety pin me
Back into myself,
You’re the only one
That can rip and tear me apart
You the only one that can
Safety pin me
Please put me back
Into what I was before.

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