The Runaway | Teen Ink

The Runaway

December 30, 2010
By akbradway BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
akbradway BRONZE, Castle Rock, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rise and rise again,<br /> Until lambs become lions

It was 3 am
When this girl woke up
Another day
Another screw up
She hates her family
She hates the pain
Trapped in this life
It's a messed up game

Her parents hate her
She just wants out
The only thing is
She doesn't know hoe
But she doesn't care now

She packs her life
All in two bags
Just two bags
Cause that's all she has
She looks at her stuff
And she feels so alone
Doesn't even know where to go

So she calls up a friend
To give her a ride
To a warehouse she knows
It's a place she can hide
And when they arrive
It's a tearful goodbye

She walks inside
It feels like a cage
But it's gonna have to work
Cause she's underage
If the cops find her
Then they'll take her back
To parents addicted to crack
And getting stabbed in the back

So she makes this her home
She makes it her own
Knowing Someday
She'll be okay

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