Walking steadily, calm and collected | Teen Ink

Walking steadily, calm and collected

December 14, 2007
By Anonymous

Walking steadily, calm and collected
The outside world currently neglected
You’re inside your self, thoughts flooding your vision
Your feet drag on with no precision.
Eyes stare on, blank and bare
The oncoming traffic of people doesn’t seem rare
You move unhurriedly as to not wake reality
The unveiling of your existence is your greatest fatality
A beam of resistance strikes your face
The air becomes heavy, you slow your pace
A certain aura soaks into your skin
Feeling pressure rising from within
Your heart throbs as you grow near
A danger zone that you now fear
A boy so genuine in his stride
Heart sinks to an endless pit as you collide
His eyes so unaware and wondering
You tighten your chest to keep your heart from plundering
The distance between you closes in
The hall becomes smaller; you wonder how he’s been
He looks up abruptly and shoots a look your way
Its pierces your heart like bullet gone astray
You glance up as your shoulders come together
Like a bird flying into bad weather
Desperately you try avoiding his eyes
Your hoping inside he can’t hear your cries.
You want so badly to embrace his existence
You lower your eyes and extend your distance
Relief rushes through injured abrasions
Defenses lets down from passionate invasions.
In this battle he is your sweetest sin
Your fighting eyes retrieve, celebrating in your victorious win

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