Lies I believed | Teen Ink

Lies I believed

February 5, 2011
By OpenHeart13 SILVER, Ada, Ohio
OpenHeart13 SILVER, Ada, Ohio
5 articles 7 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it

Explosion of cries
break away from my heart
because of the lies
and the truth that they aren't

Disaster in the past
but the hurt is here to stay
mend my broken life
make the pain go away

that smile of yours
not leaving anytime soon
getting caught in your eyes
is like staring at the moon

you see me cry
and you die a little inside
but there is no way
i could ever forgive your lies

broken within
soul snatched beneath me
too bad you cant see
the things you do to me


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