Tale: How It Felt When a Tornado Hit my Home Town | Teen Ink

Tale: How It Felt When a Tornado Hit my Home Town

May 23, 2011
By savingsavannah SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
savingsavannah SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Life is a painting. Throw all the paint you can at it.

It destroyed a town, but it was so much more,
Leaving us to wonder at the mercy He has in store.
It took more than a life, it took quite a few,
The lives of people that all of us knew.
When we see it on the news, it is different then,
When it happens near you, you see it first-hand.
You pray for them, but you’re heart’s only half there,
When it’s not close to home, it’s kind of hard to care.
When I went by my school that I’ve seen my whole life,
It seemed so very dead, and it cut me like a knife.
No lights, no sounds, no presence was near,
Though He left a message, it may never be clear.
It was just so hard to see it, places we’ve always known,
Picked up like blocks that a child has thrown.
Once so full of life, it just seemed so…dead,
Worse than any monster we create in our heads.
The feeling it left, the things in it’s wake,
Oh so hard to see, even harder to take.
So dead it seems, so alive it had once been,
New is this feeling of loss, stretching us so thin.
So this is to a town, so dead ,but so very alive,
Look at us now, those of us who survived.
Though it is tough, well, so are we,
Though we let go, we will may never be free.
And the scars that are left are what make us strong,
Whether we think it fair, whether it is wrong.
Yeah, a tornado hit our town, and it hurt,
People are without lives, others without a shirt.
But things such as this define who we are,
Though it may heal, we still have the scar.
In the end though, we all will prevail,
And wouldn’t you know it, we have a new tale.

The author's comments:
I live in Alabama. My home town and all of the surrounding areas were hit by tornadoes. We were out of power for about a week, people were lined up for miles at gas stations, and supplies were given away and literally flew off of the store shelves. We survived. We have scars, and a dear friend of my was killed. A tornado hit my home town, and this is how it felt. Please pray for Joplin, MO for their tornado epidemic. Thank you!

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