Memory Set Free | Teen Ink

Memory Set Free

August 17, 2011
By Masterpiece21 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
Masterpiece21 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
67 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom

I try to fall asleep again,
But I remember your words.
I think of them.
This is the bed I've always laid in.
It holds my regrets,
So much guilt, so much sin.
And this is the house where I've always lived.
When your demons chased me
This is where I hid.
But I still can't escape
No matter how far I run.
I see your face in my scars.
Your hands made each one.
This memory is everything I want to set free.
You're so far away,
But your memory haunts me.

The author's comments:
A year later, it's time to talk about things.


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