Far Away... | Teen Ink

Far Away...

August 23, 2011
By dmta22 BRONZE, Etobicoke, Other
dmta22 BRONZE, Etobicoke, Other
3 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Too many to list!! But here are a few:<br /> &ldquo;Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.&rdquo; ~Anonymous<br /> &ldquo;Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it <br /> and whispers, &#039;Grow, grow.&#039;&rdquo; ~The Talmud<br /> &ldquo;We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.&rdquo; ~Winston Churchill

Sleep my little one,
Papa will be home soon.
Dream about the happy times,
He’s just beyond the glowing moon.

You look so much like him,
It’s hard to believe.
Many years have gone by,
And yet I still grieve.

If not today then the day after,
Papa will come and hold you.
He’ll marvel in your innocence,
He’ll take you to the sea-side canoe.

How blessed I feel,
I have a beautiful boy.
Every day I watch you grow,
And I experience so much joy.

When your papa comes home,
Each day he’ll wake you with a kiss.
He’ll help you get dressed,
He’ll be your wonderful bliss.

He’s out there,
Suffering and in pain.
But I know he’ll make it,
My faith will not go in vain.

Every night will be special,
Magical stories will be read.
He’ll tuck you in your sleep,
He’ll wipe every tear you shed.

He knows you’re here,
Deep in my heart.
He’s there, too,
Even though we’re far apart.

Sleep my little one,
Papa will be home soon.
Dream about the happy times,
He’s just beyond the glowing moon…

The author's comments:
I hope that those who read my poem like it...

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