Of my grandma | Teen Ink

Of my grandma

February 20, 2008
By Anonymous

I had forgotten the stars
Until I saw them in your eyes.
They stayed there and
Played tricks on your mind
When you weren’t looking.

I forgot was it was like to
Be deafened, until the rush of
Sound fell from your ears
And landed on the floor
Leaving you in silence.

To feel helpless and alone
As you did, when you couldn’t
Recognize your own reflection
After you had convinced yourself
That you no longer existed.

You hair betrayed you,
Wishing to sleep for five more minutes
On your pillow, rather than remain
Flat on you head, bored, with
Only your mind for comfort.

You went down fighting; valiantly
To save your own life,
But it had been grabbed by Angels,
Who were destined to save it first.

And on the last day we met
The stars had fallen from your eyes
Creating two black holes
Through which joy disappeared.

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