Grandma | Teen Ink


July 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Take me where her ashes lye,
surrender me to say goodbye,
A heart lost, gone without a trace,
wondering if I'll ever see her face,
looking at me, protecting me,
take me where her ashes lye,
can I at least say hi?
Sometimes I wonder if she's up there in the sky,
thinking of me too,
maybe just out of the blue,
She'll come and show me the otherside,
because in this world there's no where I can hide,
take me where her ashes lye,
Surrender me to say a final goodbye,
I miss her dearly,
When I ponder on the past,
No positivity comes to mind,
and it makes me sad,
so take me where her ashes lye,
then I will finally let her fly

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