Remember Me. | Teen Ink

Remember Me.

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Havin flash-back's like crazy
over "n" over again
It's like a game i just cant win.
With you on my mind, and a heart on the line
How could i committ such a horrible crime?
It's like world war III, one million against me.
It's so hard to fight such a battle.
What a hard task to win over and tackle.
Where do I go? Who do I turn to?
I feel like no one know's what im going through! This world has finally turned tables on me, and i was givin a look of hate. This is life, it was fate for me to lose you, we just werent meant to be. But If i may ask you one question before i go, before i leave, will you always remember me?

The author's comments:
I'm 14 years of age, and i have been writing since i was about 10. It helps me get through problems, or overcome stress. When I'm writing i feel like nothing can get me down. Remember me was one of my very first poems. I like people to read my work, and i like it to be enjoyable, so i hope everyone likes my poem.

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