Ode to an Eternal Friend | Teen Ink

Ode to an Eternal Friend

February 15, 2013
By WindOverWater BRONZE, Northglenn, Colorado
WindOverWater BRONZE, Northglenn, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your life is yours alone; rise up and live it."

O sweet wind that blows o’er the land,
How I can feel thy breath across my face
Caressing, loving, with such a gentle hand!

The waves crash against the sea shell shore,
All due to thou’s most divine design,
And the gulls above that you allow to soar

Their wings stretch out in a longing freedom
Which only you O Mighty Wind may give,
You bare them across your glorious kingdom

I look and I wander and I see you all around,
I see you in the seas and the birds and in mine own eyes,
For I feel as if your force is inside me, waiting to be found

O sweet wind give me your strength and give me your will
Let me be as strong, everlasting, as you art to this day
Carry me on your wings so that I too may fulfill

The hopes and dreams of those who rely upon
Your wondrous life giving force
And stay with me as best of friends until my final breath may be gone.

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