Good Enough | Teen Ink

Good Enough

March 21, 2013
By DarJustine SILVER, Riverton, Iowa
DarJustine SILVER, Riverton, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They tell you you're fat
They tell you you're ugly
They tell you you're worthless
They say you're good for nothing

They call you all these names
And say you won't ever be perfect
They tell you everyone thinks the same
And you won't ever be worth it

Silly girl, don't you know you're beautiful?
Stand up and stay tough
Silly girl, don't listen to a word they say
And prove you are good enough

There's beauty in everything
There's beauty in what you say and do
You don't even have to look for it
Beauty is in every part of you

You are perfect in your own way
And don't ever let anyone change your mind
People with also inner beauty
Are the hardest of all to find

You don't have to be drop dead gorgeous
To be wanted and be loved
Because the way you are now is beautiful
And you're definitely enough


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on Mar. 25 2013 at 11:50 am
Malorie PLATINUM, Des Moines, Iowa
22 articles 10 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So shines a good deed in a weary world."

This is a really great poem! Very inspiring!