Ode to Time | Teen Ink

Ode to Time

September 23, 2013
By Adnama_Lenora BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
Adnama_Lenora BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Oh wondrous time!
How fickle your chime.
With the slow of your tick tock tick tock,
As I watch the hands of your clock.

The way you seem to be frozen in place,
whenever I gaze into your flawless flat face.
Even now as I sit in class,
I wait for you, but you do not pass.

But then how swiftly away you sweep,
when in a moment I long to keep.
Moments past are forever lost.
Wishing you away has a cost.

My childhood vanishes with careless days.
Whisked to the past, you leave only a haze.
Now as my last school year beckons,
You leave me wishing for more seconds.

Instants of my life stolen, to appease your hunger
For as I age, you only become younger.
When you rip the final beat from my heart
On that day, with you I must depart.

The author's comments:
I hope by reading this, people will focus more on the time they are given and not wish away moments in their lives. If we aren't enjoying the little moments in life, we may regret it later.

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