He Remained | Teen Ink

He Remained

October 29, 2008
By Anonymous

She lied restlessly in her empty bed,
The feeling of discomfort conquered mind and body.
Her head buried in her pillow trying to sleep away her desire for him.
The distinct odor of his skin lingered on her soft pillow, covered in black makeup.
She glared blankly at the bare walls of green paint,
His smile remained posted on every surface.
She blasted music until she felt the beat in her chest,
The tone of his soft, deep voice echoed louder.
She rolled tightly in a blanket like a butterfly’s cocoon,
And dreamt of the strong grip of his muscular arms embracing her.
She nervously bit her dry, chapped lips,
And searched for the touch of his tender kiss.
Her small, clammy hands held in a fist,
As if his thick gentle fingers were trapped in her palm.
She lied restlessly in her empty bed,
Using her five senses as if he was there.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 18 2008 at 12:49 pm
hi alexxaa, its joleyy and marie we thooughhtt this wass " mad good son" guj8hnN- those random letters were gerard. we have nothing better to do so were commenting on everyones. k byeeeee (:

ALexaisloose said...
on Dec. 16 2008 at 12:55 pm
MAd goood sonnnnn