Personal Metaphor | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor

April 14, 2014
By Mikula97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mikula97 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What could go wrong? You think as you assume im cool.
What could go wrong?

one so obnoxious and funny has to be cool right?
And look! Look at how many friends he has! look!

But you don't listen, you don't listen to the kids
Telling you to stop, to not

You might start off in moderation, really the smart thing to do.
But then you get comfortable. so i decide to also

Then suddenly, Blam! you have no idea.
No idea what just happened

You’re confused. I was mellow and fun. What happened?
I just popped, and took it to the next level

Some like it but, others don't. So thats why,
I am Pop Rocks and Coke.

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