To Live | Teen Ink

To Live

August 10, 2014
By LiveForLife GOLD, Longwood, Florida
LiveForLife GOLD, Longwood, Florida
16 articles 1 photo 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer has unlimited power, yet he is powerless. He can create people, worlds, universes, and places you want to be in more than the real world; with the stroke of a pen. But at the same time he can only create. He can't really change the world."

The life radiating from my sense of self, an emotion like an ecstasy, a frame of mind like a high note being held by a choir of the gods for eternity, infinity, a feeling of everything, a feeling – a need – to want to be everything, to see everything, to experience everything, to love everything. A sensation of a waterfall plunging and pouring and pounding and roaring from my being. A knowing of transcendence from the boring and the worn and the reality that has been placed in front of me by others. A call to create my own existence, my own universe, my own reality, my own nook in this infinite whirlpool of life that we call the world around us, the need to be who I am and who I should be and who I want to be, to be open and to explore every inch of this continuum with every nerve and to dip my fingertips into the divine and to seek the heavens and search the horizon, for the unknown is the best part of life, to see things unseen, to cast off old inhibitions and traditions and to create something new, to cause a difference, to stir a soul, to kindle a fire, to leave a mark, to forget the shackles that held me back, to forge an identity unlike any other, to burn a trail of ember and light into the darkness and to blaze until the sun, to dance at the rise of the new consensus and to be in awe of the brink that I am sitting upon, to be free on the cusp of the reality that I own and to explore others’ as well, to sit in complete rapture to the harmonics and resonances and echoes of our world and each other, to be trapped in the eye of the God that I have come to know in my own way, to match the gaze of another, to grasp fiercely and wholeheartedly unto the earth that I exist upon, to feel the warm burn of electricity of exploding nerve endings in the stare of another, to love, to laugh, to run, to feel, to push, to transcend, to explore, to evolve, to ponder, to realize… to live.

The author's comments:
I was sitting under a sky full of stars on a clear, crisp, night, and I had this feeling that is impossible to put into words. Well, this is me trying to put it into words while I was experiencing it, so this is an outpouring turned battle cry for life that I had to share, because I know I'm not the first to feel this.


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