A letter to all my Ex- Boyfriends | Teen Ink

A letter to all my Ex- Boyfriends

September 6, 2014
By AddyAddie BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
AddyAddie BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I kept wishing you were my epilogue

and you turned out to be only a prologue


I needed you, but you didn't even want me

I kept trying to ask you what I should do with my love that nobody wants

Or can you even tell me why you left

Or why they all keep leaving


Was it the long nights I spent trying to regain my breath and lose my thoughts?

Was it the fact I stopped writing because all I could think of was your name?

Was it the fact my passcode was the day we got together?

Was it just the 3 am calls baby?


Crap. I guess I can't call you that anymore right?

I can't write properly anymore, there are just too many memories with you.

I stopped listening to words with music

your one word messages even became too much


I remember the night you hadn't said goodbye for the 6th time in a row. I didn't even realize I was counting them.


I guess you would be happy to know, I don't miss you anymore

I stopped texting you because I don't need a reply

I no longer check if you've read my messages or not

I even changed my passcode;

something that seems so simple allowed me to breathe at night again

And guess what?

I'm writing poems about somebody else now

My self

And yes it destroys poems like this when my words sound as empty as me;

And some nights it tears everything up, spinning me around with no direction

But damn does it feel good to be a tornado that settles for no one.


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