13 Players | Teen Ink

13 Players

January 5, 2016
By Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who appreciate me. I am the only one who appreciates them. 13 funny players with hilarious jokes and a love for basketball like me. All who know me are strong and passionate. 13 players who work hard and I encourage them. From our gym, we can hear them, they are energetic and I know they are working hard.
Their perseverance is important. They have strength and courage in their heart. They practice and compete but they never give up because they are one team.  They have skills and will not stop until they win. This is how we do it.
Let them know that their teamwork for this team will accomplish anything like making good passes and working together on offense and defense with their teammates. Keep fighting until our game is over. They will prevail.
When I am happy and excited to be with these funny players, I am always a part of the team because they mean a lot to me. When there I hear funny jokes from these players, it makes me want to laugh. 13 who have greater strength. 13 who work together. 13 who will always be very well appreciated.

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