redemption | Teen Ink


February 20, 2016
By chaaar SILVER, Gretna, Louisiana
chaaar SILVER, Gretna, Louisiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. "

my mind was strategically bent and twisted like branches of a tree. those branches began to overlap and the sun could no longer reach my roots; i was lost. you didn't stay long after my leaves began to fall. maybe you were scared that you couldn't handle the worry it put on your mind? maybe your soul was just built on malignancy? no matter what reasoning you had, it doesn't give you any sort of excuse to ease your conscience about throwing me to the wolves.
i felt like i did something wrong. i was different. i was bad. i was dangerous. i didn't belong and you didn't care because i wasn't yours anymore. i wanted someone to notice that i was in pain. i may not have been bleeding out, but is it really that hard to see that the galaxy i used to hold preciously inside of my eyes had perished to nothing but a dead star?
it doesn't matter now. that night you left me to be eaten alive by pain and misery, i recoiled all the confusion and anger i had and turned it into something useful. the night you left me to die, i changed my own fate and became leader of the pack.
now, i know you can't un-sing the song that you sung, but every time you look at that full moon and that beautiful sky, just remember that each of those stars and all of those planets escaped from my eyes with each tear that dripped down my face. oh, i do believe in redemption and i know you've acknowledged the fact that what you did was wrong, but for some reason i just can't find it in me to pardon you. i might not have the ability to forgive and forget just yet, but i would be on the same level as you are if i just watched while your galaxy was destroyed.

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