The Fire | Teen Ink

The Fire

October 17, 2016
By Jmoney10 BRONZE, Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania
Jmoney10 BRONZE, Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

There's a fire that burned in me

One you couldn't see

I faked the glee as there's pain in me


Your words full of venum

Left a sting in my heart

My face burned red

As you stayed in my head


Tears slowley dripped from my cheeks

And my heart leaked 

I went to speak

But it came as a squek


You walked away

There I stayed

I rubbed my eyes

And looked to the sky 


I fell to my knee

I reached for the key

That was to my heart


Until that day

A fire burns in me

One you can't see

I fake the glee

As there's pain in me

The author's comments:

"I had been in a three year relatonship and, was left for another girl and it stung."

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