The drama of a Middle School Girl | Teen Ink

The drama of a Middle School Girl

February 14, 2024
By Atuck1933 SILVER, Edmond, Oklahoma
Atuck1933 SILVER, Edmond, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

In halls of middle school, a world of drama unfolds
Where girls with hearts of gold, and tempers of cold
Their friendships and rivalries, like a delicate tapestry
Weave together in a dance of gossip and mystery

The cliques they form, like a fragile web of might
Each one vying for power, in the morning light
The popular girls, with their perfect hair and smile
The outcasts, with their secrets and lonely mile

The whispers and rumors, they spread like wildfire
The tears and the laughter, they never retire
The drama queens, with their theatrics and flair
The wallflowers, with their shy and quiet air

The crushes and the heartbreaks, they come and go
The friendships and the betrayals, they ebb and flow
The middle school girl drama, it never ceases
A world of angst and joy, in endless release

The author's comments:

Middle school if one of the most challenging phases of life for a girl. 

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on Feb. 27 at 1:14 am
libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
31 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one really understands each other. We're all just stuck inside ourselves." Aza, Turtles All the Way Down

this is so relatable!