June. | Teen Ink


September 21, 2009
By carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem." -Z.H.
"Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than 'I love you.' is lying." -John Mayer.

As the rain slightly pounds,
so does my fear.
The lightning then flashes,
and my thoughts are so clear.

The trees start to bend.
I know what is coming.
Now it is quiet.
Except for the humming.

My friends aren't sure
Exactly what to expect.
But I hear people talking.
I'm afraid they're correct.

As the rain slightly pounds,
my heart now does too.
The lightning then flashes,
for the twister's debut.

The author's comments:
"June." was inspired by the tornado that went through my town on June 11th, 2008. I was at a camp and we were all in the basement of the campus dorms. Councelors were telling us "It's alright. It's not coming our way." Wrong.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 9 2010 at 9:32 pm
carlytracz PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
21 articles 1 photo 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We allow ourselves to dream without fear of how impossible it may seem." -Z.H.
"Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than 'I love you.' is lying." -John Mayer.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! I'll check out your stuff too(: