Trying... | Teen Ink


December 6, 2012
By Anonymous

Trying to come to terms with myself…
Can’t really decide
Why am I feeling this way?
Maybe it’s because I know that what am I feel for you is real, and isn’t just some game that seems so popular
What makes me think these things?
You… You stay on my mind all the time
In Strength and in fright
In your arms I feel as safe as a baby feels in her mother’s arms.
You’re in close links with my best friend
I say that I’m okay with it when I’m really not
You were the first dude that I ever kissed (For real)
The first on that I really loved.
And its paining me that I feel like your heart is being taken from me
You’re a Player,
A Good Friend
A Heck of Listener
My Best Friend
I know that when I tell you something I can count on it staying between us
We’ve been to Hell and back and yet have to go through something

I just don’t want your heart taken from me
This is my heart being poured out on paper for you
But it sucks that you won’t get a chance to read it
I know that you have an “Interest” for her
But one thing that’s never going to come between any girl…
Is our friendship

I’m trying to cope with this feeling…
But I just can’t

Love ALWAYS, And Forever,
Paula B.

The author's comments:
This is basically about a boy that I used to date, and still have a very personal, private close relationship with... And yet feel like his heart is being taken from me... So that's all

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