Cheryl Lynn | Teen Ink

Cheryl Lynn

January 27, 2013
By MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust no one but yourself, because when everyone else is gone, you are all you'll have left.

I sit here lonely and cold.
Waiting for them to hear
My silent cries for help.

I sit here broken and old.
Drowning in my tears,
Occasionally giving a small yelp.

I sit here numb and lost.
Desperately trying to find light,
In a world where shadows reign.

I sit here and slowly pay the cost
For him to finally end the fight,
That's causing everyone so much pain.

I sit here silent and afraid.
Listening to the voice,
That eagerly begs me to come and play.

I sit here and knowing the price has been paid,
I make the final choice
And give my life away.

I made the ultimate sacrifice,
So that maybe next time you'll think twice.
Before you go buy the drink,
That makes you forget to think
About all the things that really matter,
And makes your world break and shatter.
Into a million tiny parts,
Along with it goes many large hearts.
Including those belonging to your kin.
Like the three that came from a mother,
Named, Cheryl Lynn.

The author's comments:
This poem was made in memory of my mother, Cheryl (1956-2012). I hope that one day this poem will help inspire parents that are struggling with addiction to think about what they are doing to their children, before it's too late.

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