The Art of Just Getting By | Teen Ink

The Art of Just Getting By

April 25, 2013
By MCwrite BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
MCwrite BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Draw it on the skyline
Tell me I was broken.
Tell me it all was impossible.
There’s a notion in my heart that’s
Always coming back to
What we had or didn’t have

Call it on the ceiling
Tell me it was hopeless
Tell me it all was a foolish game
But I can’t just let you go now
I can’t put you behind me
I can’t let you leave me now

Shout it on the rooftops
Tell me I was lovesick
Tell me its all was a memory
Though my memories are lying
But you’re still holding on now
You’ve got my heart in your selfish hands

Write it on the beach sand
Tell me I am yours now
Tell me it wasn’t a passing dream
You refuse my eviction orders
And you won’t stop calling either
You won’t vacate the premises

Paint it on the hallways
Tell me you’ve moved on now
Tell me you don’t care about me
If that’s what I’ve got to do to
Purge it from my soul that’s
What’s going to have to be done

Burn it on the buildings
Tell me I don’t love you
Tell me there’s someone I’d rather see
Because I am still holding onto
All of this inside me
And it screams for a place to call its own

Spill it on the water
Tell I am fine now
Tell me your taint is washed away
Because even though I think you’re gone now
There’s this stain on my heart
That just won’t go away

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