The Dancing Donkey | Teen Ink

The Dancing Donkey

May 16, 2013
By Kage1 BRONZE, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Kage1 BRONZE, Mercer, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a land very far away, and 567 years ago,
A donkey named Wilson was the color of snow.
Wilson worked at Wintergreen Lake,
Being a life guard and drinking a vanilla shake.
Wilson was a very strange lad,
Always behaving, never being bad.
Wilson could walk on two feet,
He liked being able to dance and make a beat.
Wilson wanted to enter a dancing contest,
In order to win, he had to be the best.
He showed up at the event with a fierce look,
Wilson was determined, he had what it took.
Wilson danced for hours, and eventually won!
Wilson went home with his trophy that read, “Number One!”
He celebrated for days and when he had to go back to his job
Wilson said, “I’m a dancer, not a lifeguard!”

The author's comments:
I hope that people can enjoy the story of Wilson and if I can make someone laugh, I'm happy.

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