Its Hard to Lose someone | Teen Ink

Its Hard to Lose someone

February 11, 2014
By Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Losing someone is like
A never ending hike
Trying to get to the top
But the obstacles never stop

Losing someone is like
A toddler getting a new trike
They are willing to try at first,
But after falling a lot they feel cursed

Losing someone is like
a torturing tune that you dislike
Even though you hate the tune
It plays in your head like your favorite cartoon

Losing someone is like
Buying a new bike
It's shiny at first
But when it's used the condition gets worse

Losing someone is like
Catching a big beautiful blue pike
You wish you could keep him
But you know he was meant to swim

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