To Save a Princess | Teen Ink

To Save a Princess

March 30, 2014
By Livi Martinsen BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
Livi Martinsen BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A princess held captive by the sky
A knight who came to save her
With sword sharp and bread of rye
Courage that would never waiver

He climbed to a mountain top
He jumped on to a cloud
He ran and he would not stop
Until he fulfilled his vow.

He trecked through fluffy white
A spring present in his step
Because though cold air did bite
Of his skills he was adept

For three days he walked and stumbled
His rye bread was long gone
And he began to feel disgruntled
But still he carried on

On the fifth day, he came upon
A castle standing bold
Shaped from marble the color of the dawn
And towers made of gold

He stood in front of the gate
And called up towards the sun
“Could you set me a plate
For from far I’ve come.”

The doors opened with a whine
The knight stepped inside
And in the hall was a table of pine
A chair sat beside

He went and sat in the chair
For he was tired from running
Behind him came a voice so fair
“Sir Knight, you must be hungry.”

He turned around to face the other
And to his great pleasure
Stood the princess, but behind her
Was a trail of ivory feathers

“What is this!” he exclaimed aloud
He had never seen such a thing
For behind the princess he found
A pair of angel wings

“When I came into the sky
I was searching to be free
And from my back came wings to fly
Now I soar above the trees”

“Dear lady I’ve come to take you back
To free you from the sky
I have traveled long on your behalf
So you could bid this place goodbye.”

“Sir Knight of your strength I am in awe
But here is where I’ll stay
I think you’ll find there is no law
That says I must go away.”

With that the knight grew enraged
His face became bright red
To the princess he said as if deranged
“Only if I am dead”

He drew his sword to attack
He grabbed her by the wings
He cut the wings from her back
And blocked out all her screams

The blood pooled on the floor
As he sewed her skin shut
And her wings will never more
Feel a flutter or a gust

He brought her back down from above
And to his woodland home
He laid her down with care and love
Then he left her there alone

He came back from walking on his land
To the horrific sight of his guest
Lying while in her hand
Was the dagger that was in her chest

For she would rather die
Than bear the pain and sorrow
Of being severed from the sky
And still facing tomorrow

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