Children's Hospital | Teen Ink

Children's Hospital

April 18, 2014
By 021723266 BRONZE, Driggs, Idaho
021723266 BRONZE, Driggs, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense."
--Robert Frost

A place full of pain, suffering, insanity,
And here I am walking the halls.
There were screaming cries from one room,
From another just troubled calls.

The hall lined with doors- some open, some closed,
All reeking of calamity,
All I could think of was impending doom,
The obvious threat of insanity.

One girl lay silent, dwarfed by the bed
And the machines that loomed around her,
Another lay shaking and staring ahead
While her limbs began to flounder.

The boys and girls, so weak so thin,
All about to die,
Just shells of what their lives had been,
It pains me to see them cry,

Maybe I could escape- into the room,
The room that held my brother,
But the thin small walls that held up the roof,
Failed to silence the screams of another.

One little girl is turning five,
Time to celebrate,
The only way it could improve
is if she could even awake.

The boys and girls, so weak so thin,
All about to die,
Just shells of what their lives had been,
It hurts to see them cry.

“You might not survive,” The doctor said,
The boy pretends not to hear,
The last months of his fragile life,
Are spent lifeless and without cheer.

I can’t believe just what they go through,
In order to keep kids breathing,
But there is one thing I know is true,
That you just need to keep believing.

The boys and girls, so weak so small,
All about to die,
Their life depends on this hospital,
And that’s enough to make them cry.

The author's comments:
My brother had brain surgery last month and spent a lot of time in the neurotrauma unit at a children's hospital. That was a very scary place full of a lot of kids in a lot of pain. That is what my poem is about.

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